
A proud website by the Nutrition Society of Malaysia, an organization I am currently a member.

While many tend to shy away from nutriWEB and only visit it during the registration for the annual scientific conference, I still feel this is a good initiative by the society to disseminate some nutritional information to the public. You get to browse the soft copies of research papers published in Malaysian Journal of Nutrition, download health recipes taken from their Resepi Sihat Pilihan Bijak cooking books, calculate your BMI in their nutrition tool and get some health facts as well. The latest news updated in the website is the newspaper articles published in the main stream media.

I do have my grouses about the site as well. I hope they will update it as frequent as possible. The last update prior to the Nutrition Month news was way back in 2006! For example, they can always have new articles on nutrition and health written exclusively for the website. The council is made up with all the experts anyway!

And I do hope they will change the layout/look of the site. It has been like that every since I started visiting! *sigh..